CHECK-IN: Christopher Khan
January 30, 2015   //   By:   //   Domači, Skate, Domače novice, Vsebine, Novice, Intervjuji   //   No Comment

portret mark
Portret; foto: Mark Presetnik

Chris… Christopher Khan. Še eno ime, ki preseneča v pozitivnem smislu in smeri. Mladenič, ki ga velikokrat lahko opazimo na domačih tekmovanjih, kjer se praktično vsakič zasidra med prve tri, še večkrat pa ga videvamo v videih in krajših videoklipih, kjer skejta parke, ki so daleč od naših krajev. Španščina, Angleščina, Slovenščina – ni problema. Naj tudi vam ne bo noben problem razumet njegove odgovore, ki so tokrat kar intervjujskega tipa od štarta pa do cilja, ki so kapnili v angleščini neposredno iz njemu domače prestolnice skejtanja – Barcelona.

“My name is Chris Khan, I’m 18 years old and I’m a Slovenian born skateboarder who lives in Barcelona, Spain.

I am currently studying my last year at high school so my skateboarding is not at its best because I can only skate about a couple of days a week and the skateparks in Barcelona are quite useless in my opinion. The closest good skatepark is about an hour and a half from home… I am very lucky to have a special athlete program in school so I can leave early every day and do only half the hours but I probably spend that extra time studying at home anyways.

Currently I have got some support from a local skateshop in Barcelona, called Bödo skateshop that helps me out with whatever they can offer like boards and other discounts on skate material. My plans for this year are to go to L.A. for the whole month of March which is already organized and I would like to attend this year’s Baltic Games and Simple Session too. Otherwise I am working on a new videopart which is not really progressing much due to the whole school, injury, skatepark scenario… I am really looking forward to go back to Slovenia to films some clips for my project whenever it gets a little bit warmer.

Last year in October I had the opportunity to assist the Volcom Wild in the Parks European Championships and managed to get 4th place in the OPEN category which was a huge accomplishment for me, then that qualified me for the global final in the U.S. but unfortunately I was not able to assist due to the fact that I would have to pay the trip myself… Regarding sponsors, nothing came up to me at the Wild in the Parks championships.

Some of the skaters whom I look up to the most are: Shane O`neill, Trevor Colden, Chris Cole Chris Joslin, Ryan Sheckler, Paul Rodriguez… And the list goes on, but these are my top six.”



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